City Ordinances

In Ocean City, we take safety very seriously. After all, we want everyone to have a pleasurable, safe, and fun vacation. Please take a moment to read this important information regarding our town ordinances, designed with your well-being in mind.

Highway Safety Icon

Highway Safety

Millions of visitors travel to Ocean City each summer, so it's important that vacationers are mindful of our highway laws. There are bus/bike lanes on both sides of Coastal Highway to support the flow of traffic. Please do not park or drive in these lanes unless making a right turn. Be alert for bicyclists when entering or leaving the highway.

Municipal buses travel in the far right-hand lane and stop only at designated bus stops. Motorists must yield to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections. Bicyclists must obey the same traffic laws as motorists, including using a headlight and rear reflector at night.

Parking Information Icon

Parking Information

Ocean City has worked hard to ensure that parking is accessible for visitors. Parking is available in city lots, private lots, and on certain public streets unless otherwise noted.

Ample free parking is available at the new West Ocean City Park & Ride. Leave your car and take the shuttle bus into town for $3. Do not park in front of red painted curbs or block public/private driveways. Always park with the flow of traffic within 12 inches of the curb.

RV Parking Icon

RV Parking

RVs and oversized vehicles may not park in any municipal lot, public street, or alley between June 1 and September 15. An oversized vehicle is defined as 21 feet, 2 inches or more in length and 6 feet, 8 inches in width, needing more than one parking space.

For more information, call the Ocean City Police Department at 410-723-6610.

Boat Trailer Parking Icon

Boat Trailer Parking

Bringing a boat? Keep in mind that boat trailers may not be parked on public streets, alleys, or parking lots from May 1 through October 1.

Before towing or ticketing, a warning notice will be posted at least 8 hours in advance.

Parking Meters Icon

Parking Meters

No one wants a ticket. Parking meters on city parking lots operate 24 hours a day. Street meters may have varying time limits, so always check the hours posted before leaving your vehicle.

Alcohol Laws Icon

Alcohol Laws

In Ocean City, we take laws related to alcohol consumption very seriously. Drinking alcoholic beverages in public is prohibited. This includes any street, sidewalk, beach, parking lot, or vehicle in these areas.

Possessing an open container of any alcoholic beverage in public is not allowed. Sleeping in any motor vehicle within city limits is prohibited, as is sleeping on the beach between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Beach and Boardwalk Icon

Beach and Boardwalk Information

Ocean City is home to one of America’s most popular and family-friendly boardwalks. Our 2.9-mile boardwalk stretches from the Inlet to 27th Street. The beach and the Atlantic Ocean are free and open to the public from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

No private vehicles are permitted on the beach at any time. The beach is cleaned during closed hours for everyone’s enjoyment.

Swimming Safety Icon

Swimming Safety

When swimming in the ocean, it’s important to be careful. Ocean surf can be rough, so always use the buddy system. Beach patrol members are on duty from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily during summer.

Please obey the Beach Patrol. They are there to protect you. Always swim near a lifeguard. For more safe swimming tips, visit the Ocean City Beach Patrol Website.

Surfing Icon


Want to catch some waves? Ocean City has great waves, but surfing is only permitted on two designated surfing beaches, announced daily on local radio stations.

For more information on surf beaches and conditions, contact any area surf shop.

Surf Fishing Icon

Surf Fishing

Surf fishing is permitted, but be sure you are not within 50 yards of swimmers or anyone on the beach between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Beach Activities Icon

Other Beach Activities

By Town Ordinance, activities like Frisbee, ball throwing, and sports are not allowed on the beach from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily from May 30 to September 15.

Pet Regulations Icon

Pet Regulations

Bringing your pet? Animals are only allowed on the beach and boardwalk from October 1 to April 30. Owners must remove any pet waste and keep pets on a leash at all times.

A Dog Playground is available at 94th Street bayside for year-round pet enjoyment. For details, call 410-250-0125.

Skateboard and Bicycle Regulations Icon

Skateboards & Roller Blades

To ensure safety, skateboards are not permitted on the Boardwalk, public streets, alleys, sidewalks, and public lots. However, Ocean City offers a skateboard park at 3rd Street and St. Louis Avenue. For updates, contact 410-250-0125.

Bicycle Regulations Icon

Bicycle Regulations

You can enjoy biking on the Boardwalk at these times:

From Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day: 2:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. From after Labor Day to before Memorial Day: any time, except during Springfest & Sunfest from 2:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Noise Regulations Icon

Noise Regulations

Many visitors come to Ocean City to relax. Please be respectful of your neighbors. Loud, unnecessary, or disturbing noise is prohibited.

Noise restrictions are enforced between 12 midnight and 7 a.m. Noise from vehicles should not be heard from 50 feet away at any time.

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